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작성자 다정한이웃 작성일23-11-05 01:50 조회49회 댓글0건


The Gangwon Land Addiction Management Center (hereinafter referred to as KLACC) announced that it
conducted a "Life Love Campaign" with an organization belonging to the "Life Love Council for
Gambling Addicts in Gangwon Province" for two days yesterday and today (7th).
The "Life Love Campaign" has been carried out since last 12 years to find high-risk groups of gambling
addiction early and prevent extreme choices by conducting promotional campaigns for casino long-term
residents and overburdened people residing in Gohan and Sabuk, Jeongseon-gun.
In the campaign, about 40 people, including audit office staff, women's volunteer firefighters and women's
self-defense forces from Gohan and Sabuk, met with local long-term residents to spread the danger of
gambling addiction and the importance of life.
It also promoted the "Unlawful Gambling Reporting Reward Payment System" so that residents can actively
report illegal activities such as online gambling by visiting local shopping malls.
We will create a culture of respect for life in the community by establishing a network with local
organizations and continue effective addiction prevention campaigns, said Yoon Ho-chan,
secretary general of KLACC.
Meanwhile, KLACC plans to conduct counseling for "peer counselors" and promotion of guidelines
for low-risk casino games for casino users at the High1 Grand Hotel on the 8th

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